i luv Romeo & Juliet cuz u get to c how in luv the 2 caractrz r :p
You might think you just read a text message but you’d be wrong. This is a reader’s reaction to reading the Shakespeare classic, Romeo and Juliet in an English class at a
Vancouver high school.
The article discusses the reasons that students are lower-casing what should be capitalized and leaving out vowels lft and rght. Many students say they know the proper grammar and spelling, but are lazy and find it easier to write as they text. There’s also the fact that teenagers are spending an enormous amount of their time on their cell phones. Texting has become their chosen form of communication and therefore, they practice it a lot. And of course everyone knows that when you practice something continually, it becomes second nature to you. Anyone else have an issue with this?
While I understand that it is easier to type im instead of I’m (especially if you are just using your thumbs) I can’t accept it. I always tell my students that they must consider their audience. If you are writing to your friend, that’s a casual conversation and therefore text lingo is acceptable (and most likely preferred.) School essays and projects though, are more formal methods of communicating, so the rules of grammar and punctuation should apply. Knowing the difference is key. I agree with the simple rule Mike Kleiner states in the article, that in professional communication, you want to look smarter than your competition.
Preparing students for their futures means teaching them proper rules for communicating on a professional level. We should not allow students to abbreviate and emoticon their schoolwork, nor will their future bosses. A friend of mine works for a federal government training interns and has commented on how the inferior quality of their writing skills. Too much texting perhaps?
So I say, save the text talk for the cell phones. If you’re writing an essay for school, there is no LOLing allowed!